
Punk Rock Never Dies: Massive Brain Damage is “Stuck in Space”

Angst and angst everywhere! Massive Brain Damage (M.B.D) released their latest album called Stuck in Space ,and this is their greatest and loudest album yet to come. Make sure to listen to Stuck in Space in order to get the true experience of punk rock and its distinct hardcore, diehard vibe. With all the chaos that has been happening in this world of quarantine, their song called “Same Shit, New Day” is something you can head bang and easily relate to. Let your kept-in-anger out to “Zombies!” and you’ll feel better by the end of the day knowing you’ve got the edge off.

Readers, I want you to take my advice and listen to this album as soon as you can get your hands on your Spotify app. I want you to play this at the skate park while you drink beer with your friends (six feet apart, of course). I want you to blast this in your beat-up car while the old man in his newly bought Camaro gives you a stink-eye. And I want to see these songs playing in the background of your badass Instagram videos, “Soma Wheat Berry” style. M.B.D’s Stuck in Space is the album to rock out to at all times. Make sure to listen and listen closely. You won’t regret it. Rock on.


 Also, check out M.B.D’s Bad Blood Music Video!

Photo Credit by Kevin Avila

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