The opening lyrics could be a well rehearsed monologue to a significant-other, post break up. With a solid acoustic strumming pattern to match, Sean Perry’s vocal cadence flows through the intro organically, not pinning himself to a rhythm too soon.
Like melancholic memories in the early stages of heartbreak, the keys swell in. Accompanied by a vocal melody, longing to return to the easy days. Perhaps I’m under the influence of the black and white music video, but it really does feel like walking through a forest with a relationship to reflect upon.
As if packing up a cardboard box, the chorus is neatly folded into the second verse. Followed by a more punchy and dynamic drum beat, a hypnotic guitar is added. Creating an emotionally climatic landscape before easing to a drum pad.
The Shakes really encapsulate the turbulent couple of weeks that go into a break up. They don’t overstate anything, nor do they try to sell you a formulaic hook that gnaws on your brain for days. No, they feed you the reality you want to hear; The nuances that can’t be summarized, the inevitable introspection.
After the quick drum pad break, the song reaches a high point. I really thought my strings couldn’t be pulled any more, but I was wrong. Though it doesn’t have an addictively catchy bit, it’s definitely an ear worm for a random late night drives.